The following are a few frequently
asked Questions and Answers about
advertising on London Property
for Rent .com. If you cannot find
the answer to your question or
the solution to your problem here
then please contact us at: E-mail.
or through our contact form.
Q: How much will it cost me
to list a property & how long
will it be for?
A: To advertise a property
for rent or property for sale
on London Property listing pages
please submit full details to
London Property for Rent .com
in an E-mail.
If after a trial period you would
like to continue advertising a
property rental with us we are
offering 3 different packages
for advertising properties on
a: 1 month, 6 months or 12 month
basis. We also offer 3 packages
for agents advertising more than
5 properties at a time. Cost of
advertising or listing a property
will be on a sliding scale for
advertising between 1-12 months
and numbers of additional properties.
Prices from just a few pound per
month are available on application.
Monthly packages. Private
Individual Listings. One standard
monthly rate for advertising individual
properties and three bands for
Agents listing over 3 properties.
Private / Individual Listing
can choose between these three
listing options:
Individual Bronze 1 property
for 1 month. £POA
Individual Silver 1 property
for 6 months. £POA
Individual Gold 1 property
for 12 months. £POA
Agents / Multiple Listing
can choose between these three
listing options:
Agents Bronze package for
5-9 properties for 1 month. £POA
Agents Silver package for
10-19 properties for 1 month.
Agents Gold package for
20 or more properties for 1 month.
Each Listing may include up to
ten photos of each property with
detailed description of property,
including utilities and amenities,
location details, special features
and prices. (Minimum spend is
Q: How do I get a Property
of the Month feature ad?
A: Advertisers can list property
on special terms to be agreed.
Q: How do I pay for a listing?
A: Registered users can
pay for property advertising and
marketing by credit or debit cards
online via PayPal or by sending
a cheque. Secure online payments
can be enabled for registered
users to immediately add or update
properties using interactive forms
and property management pages.
However we prefer to monitor quality
and consistency of all ads before
going live on site. PayPal is
used on site as it is the worlds
foremost secure online payment
processor which means your credit
and debit card details are absolutely
Q: Is it really safe to pay
for products online?
A: PayPal is very safe
and secure. While making a payment
you will be redirected to the
PayPal web site - this means that
no one will get to see your personal
information or sensitive data
ensuring complete privacy at all
times. PayPal will automatically
inform you when transactions have
been completed using its 128 bit
military strength encryption that
is used to ensure secure transactions.
Q: Will I be automatically
billed or have my credit or debit
card charged when my listings
are due to expire?
A: No, we will not automatically
bill you or charge your credit
or debit card. We will however
send you an e-mail reminding you
before your listings will end.
If you wish to continue advertising
simply make another payment. Your
current listings will stay as
they are. If they have expired
and been made unavailable to people
browsing the site because we didn't
receive payment on time, they
can be reactivated after payment
has been received. We can also
reactivate your listing by special
request if not totally happy with
the results. All expired listings
showing no activity for over 6
months will be automatically deleted
from database.
Please let us know if you have
any further questions or suggestions
regarding this website. E-mail.